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Bretzfelder Park Winter Family Education Series: "The History of the Peak Bagging List"
Bretzfelder Park

Join us for the 2025 Bretzfelder Park Winter Ed Series
The New Hampshire 48 4,000-foot summit list has been a cornerstone of hiking culture for... well, a long time. To find out just how long, join Mike Dickerman to learn the history of the “Peak-bagging List,” and discuss his bestselling guidebook to New Hampshire’s highest peaks.

The 4000-Footer guidebook remains the most comprehensive guide and history devoted solely to New Hampshire’s 48 highest peaks. Dickerman’s photo history celebrates the colorful history of the 4000-Footers and features more than 200 vintage images culled from a variety of regional organizations and private collections, including many rare and previously unpublished images!

To inspire your next adventure, or reminisce on past excursions, for a good time the third installment of the Bretzfelder Park Winter Family Education Series has it in the bag.

Register: This program is free to the pubilc. Registration is strongly encourage, walk-ins will be welcomed. Register at the link below. 

(Not yet a member or not sure if you've renewed your membership? Sign up for a membership here, starting at only $45/year, and receive future discounts, or contact with questions.)

About the Presenter: Dickerman, the author or editor of more than a dozen books related to the White Mountains, has climbed the 48 peaks on the list in both summer and winter and is a former member of the Appalachian Mountain Club Four Thousand Footer Committee. In 2021, his compilation of photographs detailing the history of the 4000-Footers was published by Arcadia Publishing. Two years later, in the fall of 2023, he published a new updated and expanded third edition of the guidebook, The 4000-Footers of the White Mountains, which he co-authored with Steven D. Smith of Lincoln, N.H., the longtime editor of the revered AMC White Mountain Guide

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
581 Prospect St
Bethlehem, NH 03574
United States

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