Fall Fungi Workshop at The Rocks

Thursday, October 19, 2023
11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Forest Society North at The Rocks
113 Glessner Road
Bethlehem, NH 03574
United States
Join us for this special opportunity to attend a fungal workshop at The Rocks with author-mycologist Lawrence Millman on October 19. In the morning (11 AM - noon), he’ll be giving a white board presentation (white boards are more audience-friendly than powerpoints) on fungal basics. You’ll learn how fungi breed, how they compete, and — most important of all — why they’re essential to the health of our planet. 
After the whiteboard session we'll have a quick break for lunch (BYO sack lunch!). In the afternoon (12:30-3:30pm), Lawrence will be leading a walk during which he’ll discuss what various species are doing in their respective habitats and what diagnostic features help us identify those species. He will not be using the word edible during these events, but he will be using the word ecological!

Registration: $15 for non-members; $5 for Forest Society members. Only 15 spaces so please register in advance!


(Sign up for a membership here, starting at only $45/year, and receive the discount! Contact tripley@forestsociety.org with questions.)


We're sorry, the deadline for buying tickets for this event has passed.